Book Talks


Book Talks is a social media series where each month Booksource’s collection development team highlights a new book for teacher’s to add to their classroom library.


  • Keep teachers informed on new releases and diverse books to add to their classroom libraries that they might otherwise not know about.

  • Highlight Booksource’s book expertise through showcasing the collection development team who chooses the book.

  • Create more sales on these popular new books.

  • Have a new and exciting book recommendation for teachers to look forward to each month.

  • For these posts to be recognizable and stand out on Booksource’s social timeline.

  • Engaging with our customers more.

Brainstorms, notes, sketches, and storyboards used in the creation of Book Talks.


  • All videos must be one minute or less to comply with Instagram’s one minute feed video limit.

  • Creating the AfterEffects video template for each presenter to speed up the creation of these videos in the future.

  • Show to our audience the personal touch behind each of Booksource’s book selections, while also respecting collection development’s wishes to not have their photos as the focal point.


  • Sketching

    After collaborating with the social media specialist to create a video outline and storyboard, next was creating the parts to be used in the video. Since we were not using collection development’s photos, we decided to that creating realistic portraits to show was the next best thing. This way we can still highlight the collection development team in a respectful, engaging way.

  • AfterEffects Editing

    Template Creation

    Once we had all the pieces ready and a general look established, next was putting it all together in a functioning template. I made a different template for each collection development team member for when they individually presented a book. I left spots open for adding in interior book spreads and a word bubble for replacing subtitle text. Subtitles were very important to us to ensure these videos were accessible to teachers.

  • Video Flow

    After the templates were finished, we were ready to start creating videos. We started with collection development choosing a book and starting a rough script. Copywriters would refine the script and make sure that it was the appropriate length for these short videos. Then I would record the presenter’s voice over, plug that audio into the video, and start working through adding the visuals and subtitles at the right times. The videos were meant to look as if a member of collection development was guiding the user through the video.


Stephanie Discusses Vamos! Let’s Cross The Bridge

In the third book in the Vamos! Series, Kooky Dooky, Little Lobo and his dog Bernabe get stuck in traffic while waiting to cross the bridge connecting a Mexican border town and the US. Spanish words and phrases are used throughout the story, and the colorful, dynamic illustrations will keep kids entertained again and again as they spot new details each time. Watch this bustling Mexican American community turn a traffic jam into a celebration!


Michelle Discusses A Girl Called Echo

In the graphic novel series A Girl Called Echo, 13-year-old Métis tribe member Echo Des Jardins adjusts to a new home and school. A Echo learns more about the Métis people during colonization of Canada in her history class, she finds herself transported to the past where she witnesses historical events firsthand. She sees her tribe defend their land and way of life, and witnesses their tragedies. As Echo learns more about her people, she also learns more about herself.


Brandi Discusses One Plastic Bag

The inspiring true story of how one African woman began a movement to recycle the plastic bags that were polluting her community, bringing disease, killing plants and animals. Isatou Ceesay found a way to recycle the bags and transform her community, showing how one person's actions really can make a difference in our world.




Patterson Consulting Group